Asterisk vs ISDN

Some information on how to conect Asterisk to the ISDN
Chapter 1:

Foreword / Index

Last update:
(start) ^
Chapter 2 -->
Overview of available options



1 Foreword / Index
2 Overview of available options
3 Choosing which way to go
3-1   Hardware and protocol support
3-2   NT-mode support
3-3   Supported features
4 Conclusion / Contact
5 Usual configuration issues
6 Sources / Download links
7 General: Cabling
text and images





As this is some kind of F.A.Q., I decided to put up some information on which options are available to connect Asterisk to the ISDN and what else might be useful to know.

This is not a HOWTO (yet?), but rather about the prerequisites.
There are several completely different ways to go and this document will help you to find out which of them are available for your situation and to help you decide which suits you best if you have several options to choose from.

Unfortunately connecting Asterisk to the ISDN can be rather confusing for beginners as there are several different routes available to do so.
Be prepared for some mess.


(start) ^
Chapter 2 -->
Overview of available options